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  • I am the author of the chapter "Dialogo interdisciplinare sul web: una mappa per trovare informazione qualificata" (Interdisciplinary dialogue on the web: a map to find qualified information) in the textbook "Esplorare l'universo, ultima delle periferie - Le sfide della scienza alla teologia" (Exploring the universe, the last of the peripheries - the challenges of science to theology), Rome: Editrice Queriniana, 225-238.

  • I am the PI of the SISRI survey on "Perception of the Italians about the compatibility between science and faith". Results of the survey were published in: "Cultura scientifica e vita religiosa degli italiani: i risultati di un sondaggio" (Scientific culture and religious life of the Italians: results of a survey), Bonato, M.; Crudele, M.; Risso, P.; 2014, Paradoxa, 8, 116-133. Results of the survey were relaunched by several Italian newspapers, e.g. the Italian national newspaper Avvenire, in the paper "Scienza e fede in Italia stanno insieme". A summary in English of the survey were published here.

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